Google Cloud Marketplace

Google Cloud Marketplace homepage

Role: Design Lead, Design

2018 @ Metalab with Jordan Amblin and Noah Jacobus

Google Cloud’s products and services have changed the way businesses operate. Using the right tools can boost a company’s efficiency, saving them time and money. Unfortunately Google’s products have become so vast and cloud pricing so complicated that it was hard for users to find and understand the products they needed and confusing to calculate how much they would cost to implement. Google brought this problem to MetaLab, where I lead a team to strategize and design a solution to simplify this very complex ecosystem.

Receive customized suggestions based on your needs
Cloud Marketplace new employee dashboard

The result was a new Cloud marketplace, where we could identify beneficial products based on a few key questions, resulting in a filtered experience that helped easily explain each technology. Users could then use a simple calculator tailored to the offering to quickly find out cost estimations based on their company’s needs. From there customers could access a dashboard to manage all of their Google Products from one place.

Cloud Marketplace Checkout